Tuesday, November 04, 2008


People got out to vote in record numbers. But when they look up your address in their book, I notice, how few people actually do vote at least in my area, my block was bare. There's 20-30 houses, but I only saw perhaps 3 or 4 from my block when they looked me up by address. Is that normal? Either way, this election was more rockin' than normal. Did you get your free Starbucks? Anderson Le did in Chicago where he's part of the huge election day rally.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOU BETCHA! (no reference to Palin) and I got my Krispy Kreme star donut too!

5:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

signor edittore;
i voted (as is my fashion) at the samoan church in carson. driving in my ancient toyota p/u, during the late afternoon, bringing a bag of surplus chocolate hershey crispy halloween candy for the hypoglycemic poll workers. there was little action and few people, but most of the voting was in the morning and evening, during trad non-work hours. i marked my ballad with teethgritting righteous hope and anger. the pollworker tore off the receipt and handed the ballot to me for insertion into the Machine, which sucked it in with gusto. i accepted the 'i voted' sticker and did not make the typical voter error of sticking it on the lapel of my jacket and have its weak atomic bonding force FAIL CATASTROPHICALLY and disengage. instead, i stuck it to the receipt and made a beeline to the nearest starbuck's for a free coffee with a liberal sprinkling of half -and-half and cinnamon and NUMEROUS PACKETS of that expensive brown sugar. rather than expand my carbon footprint further by driving to torrance for a free chicken sandwich from chick fil-a or gardena for a free krispy kreme klan donut or long beach for a scoop of ben and jerry's ice cream, i rushed home and stuck my coffee in the freezer and turned on the tv to watch the action. after an hour, i took the now-icy coffee out of the freezer and drank it with great pleasure. after about another hour, my right eye started twitching and my hands started shaking... a condition that continues even at this hour! CAFFEINE OVERDOSE! a danger of modern democracy!

next election, ben and jerry's. but it will be coffee flavoured!

thank you for letting me share my voting experience.
sr d.

8:26 AM  

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