Monday, May 26, 2008

Deharavath video, yeah it's late sorry

Deharavath happened when I was out of town, but I did catch the install and talk to the artists, David Horvath of Uglydoll and Yukinori Dehara of Cakees! I shot this through my camera, and it ended up ok. I should have shot a lot more to make it more rounded, but in the end, I should be using a video camera, and doing it right. Maybe I can get some help on this eventually when I can find someone who wants to shoot stuff like this, or maybe I can have someone on staff shoot it. I think I need about 15 minutes of footage to pull something decent. I think I shot about 7 minutes total for this one. I used 5+ of it!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happens to the hand mades and your fans?

Some end up with true collectors, who appreciate the idea behind a hand made Uglydoll.

Others end up in the hands of flippers, who appreciate the almighty dollar more than the art.

4:36 PM  

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