Monday, May 19, 2008

Wieden Kennedy Shanghai

This is part of the W+K office in Shanghai. I did a talk there to a lot of the staff who sat around the grassy interior middle. I like it when offices make an open space. It either means, they planned it that way, or they have too much space. Most offices are crammed! People sat, listened, drank beer, asked questions, and it was all translated. I enjoyed listening to whatever I said turned into Chinese. At some points, I realized, the translations were a bit off, but that's ok, maybe it made GR sound cooler. Evidently I was test subject #1. The speakers series has begun. 

That's Nick Barham in the middle. He took care of business. Along with Mr John Jay who set it up. They also gave me a great looking Perk book.

This is a better view, you can see how their office is set up. It's three floors in a warehouse that has a lot of concrete. It's definitely a creative only atmosphere and they're tearing shit up in Shanghai and Beijing. Photos taken by the house photographer. I saw you taking pics. Thanks much. 



Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's pretty awesome. I was wondering how W+K SH looked like from the inside. That's pretty interesting. Do you have more pictures?

10:21 PM  
Blogger Daniel Hyun Lim said...

yes,m pretty awesome

11:07 AM  
Blogger joetron2030 said...

That perk book is pretty nice, too. Sounds like you're having a fun time in China.

7:12 PM  

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