Sunday, May 25, 2008

Fascinated by Japan article

Articles happen all the time on GR, and we're thankful for all of them, but this one was one which didn't seem to be working right even after the interview. Facts weren't right, and when I pointed one wrong thing out, I didn't hear anything back about anything else. But maybe there was so little added to it, that it was all okay, who knows. The title already is way off base. "Fascinated by Japan -- If it's big in Japan, it could also hit big in the United States--and these entrepreneurs are betting on it." That's definitely not true. Right? It's definitely not something I'd think. I guess I'm betting on it to be true. Ouch.

Just the title is a horrible start. It's bordering on annoying. What do you think? Personally, I feels like the title from this article is from years ago. I remember articles like these that highlighted Japan and people's fascination with the place as being super cool, and so on. Either way, it's great press and it's been syndicated by papers everywhere. Read it here.



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