Cracked Seed stock at Safe N Save
Walking in the Safe N Save... the cracked seed wall rack was full. Jade brand is old school, but the Obachan's (grandmother) is pretty hot. It's the pink bags. They have the dried li-hing fruits, but they also had some spiced out gummies.

Li-Hing Sour Apple Melon... pretty good, basically, it's apple and melon gummies with the magical powder. It's human catnip. (why is the word nip in there? - that's jacked).
Also I put up the Andy Jenkins photos in transmissions.

Also I put up the Andy Jenkins photos in transmissions.
Labels: food
Hey, do they have the ones that are like
dried umeboshi with a lot of salt? I forgot
what they are called. I like those (seriously).
I think we are going to have to get Kadour
Ziani AND the Dolphin man and put them
on the Lakers. They need some help.
Catnip? I don't know. I always thought it
sounded kind of un pc when people
say "it's getting nippy in here"
Hi Eric, I covered your site. I made comments and I took pictures. Take a look:
eric - totally unrelated to the blog but where did you find the luna cornea photography magazine? my mom and i are totally into it now. i tried looking it up online but not much came up.
UO-Li Hing Mui? of course! Isis-Luna Cornea mag... i think they sent it my way.
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