Friday, April 20, 2007


Actually I lied, it wasn't the last word...

The school shooter guy... realize, he's a narcissistic child. It's one thing to shoot people because of mental illness, super anger, or getting bullied. It happened and it'll happen again. BUT it's another thing to do it and take photos and make videos. What does this mean to me? This kid wanted fame, he wanted to leave a mark, but instead of doing it through hard work, perseverance, and struggling, to make a "name" for himself, he was a loser who did nothing. His own roommates had no idea who he was. Some didn't know he could speak English. So to get back at the world for not giving him a break, a deal, or anything, he decided that he could earn fame, with three hours of "work." He supposedly started doing exercise a week or so earlier so he could look better in the photos. He probably took more time dealing with how he would look, over what the heck he was going to do to make himself famous. In the end, this guy just wanted a Myspace profile on steroids, and he got that, but it was all done with the least amount of work. Great work ethic, dude, you're the same guy who complains about everything and how you got nothing, while you do nothing to change anything, so the easy way became your way. Sounds like a rant, sorry.

p.s. we won our softball game. Had to get that out of the way. 16-15.



Blogger Aaron Stewart Ahn said...

Sadly I don't think we'll have a final word on this for awhile, exactly because of how the media has played this one. I don't mean to diminish the tragedy but there's just as many important things happening today that are just as important that aren't getting anywhere near the amount of air time, and the media's institutional prejudices are unavoidable... As well as their desire to sensationalize. They gave this loser exactly what he wanted, all his faux dramatics and so on given a chance to reach the world.

12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know, its easy to point to someone later in life and call them lazy, or lacking a work ethic, but the problem is much deeper than that. the problems that he had started early. There is evidence that he had been molested. That he had been kept on the fringes of society as an outcast, as someone that was different, so when someone like that comes back around and does what he does, it is his last attempt at being heard. and he was heard. That kid had so much hurt, and pain inside, the outside world couldnt feel what he was feeling, so it appears to me that he decided to bring his inside hurt to the outside world. We label people, treat them different, then continue to ostracize him by simply brushing him off as being different than us. I know for myself, I was picked on day after day after day for nearly 6 years. it destroyed me mentally. It wasnt until i was in my mid 20's that i was able to overcome my past and stand on my own two feet. Luckily i had a strong family that stood by me as i was going through this shit, but if i didn have them, i would have been that kid gunning VT students down. How are you expected to care about a world that doesnt care about you? if you are continually beaten down, made fun of, and kept on the fringes of society, how should you expect that same person to adhere to the conventions of that same society. These problems are going to continue to expose themselves in society. The only problem that is out there is that the media has given us (the kids that are made fun of) a martyr that we can identify with. The media has shown us that there are others out there that feel what we feel. They have shown us that after years of trying to be accepted, there is a way to finally be heard. Not saying that the kids at VT deserved getting killed at all, but if you replaced all those VT kids with the armies of people that either molested him, made fun of him, that preyed on his weak mental constitution, and tried to elevate themselves at the cost of somone elses self identity I wouldnt have mourned with half as much intensity. If you push someone long enough, they will eventually push back.

2:46 PM  

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