Thursday, July 16, 2009

Shinjuku Incident - No Bootlegs!

US Border Patrol! I wonder if they say who the package came from? What's in there turtles from Hong Kong, maybe bootleg DVDs? No, it's Shinjuku Incident featuring Jackie Chan and Daniel Wu. I'll check out the film, but the Customs folks mangled the envelope! It's the price of freedom...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

same thing happened to my Katibeh Kamseh (lebanese hip hop) cd when it came from the middle east. I almost forgot about it, but the mangled envelope showed up at my doorstep. And wait, what happened to my requested catalog?

PS, great story on Ryohei Tanaka. We stayed with his family in Tokyo way back in 2005 and Tammy (his mother) showed us around including an early morning trip to Tsukiji. His sister was still pregnant with her little girl- their photos look great in the magazine!!! We love the Tanaka family, and we bought some of Ryohei's amazing cutouts.

Berkeley CA

12:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Customs does that to random packages. It happens sometimes when I buy gadgets or dvds from Hong Kong.

They haven't taken any thing yet but it is annoying.


9:15 PM  

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