The best day at Safe N Save Market on Sawtelle. Dec 31st. It's the busiest day of the year there, I think, and it's when all the troops are working.
Gregs gets the bags ready, it's a tough task, since those things are heavy. His greaser style hair sans hairnet is in place. The chops are groomed. He's ready for the old ladies who are cooking up a storm.
Two pieces of mochi and the orange head. This is a plastic coated version. Strange how this is something people buy. Inside there's mochi, and you eat that later for good luck. Mochi is important for New Years. Just don't choke on it, people do this annually in Japan. I feel bad for the families who served up the mochi in the soup.

A lot of mochi is gone! Sold to families in the area. I bet each family will have a nice day. Let's hope for that.
So much fish goes out for sashimi, they can't slice it for you. But "hint" get a knife and slice it. It's not that tough. That's how busy it is at the S & S on New Years Eve. I told you in the best day of the year there.

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