I guess it's Sawtelle week here. Instead of just responding to each comment consecutively, which I don't think I can do in Blogger, I figure why not, these comments are nice. I'll post them up as a regular blog entry. Thanks for reading and commenting. Today, the shop really is closed. Although they're in there cleaning, I saw people walk by and peer through the windows to see what was going on. One day too late... Meanwhile, look for something to come out in the Rafu Shimpo paper written by Japanese school friend and writer there, Audrey Shiomi.

That's Henry and Jack helping someone take something away. My camera adjusted for the background light, so it's a bit dark, but on the other hand, you can almost see through the woman's skirt. Bad camera...
eric wang said...
that's sad - yamaguchi was certainly a fixture for me everytime i walked down sawtelle. i had no idea it was closing, but that is as it's meant to be, i guess. it'll be missed.
i've got to find my "year of the cock" t-shirt.
eric - keep up the observations about sawtelle. it's interesting to see the wikipedia entry on sawtelle as well. also, what the hell happened to the invader that was hanging outside of GR?
10:56 PM
Pirikara said...
I have to admit, very few Yamaguchi items remain at home. But that's only cause I ate 'em all. =P
As you move onto the adult world you tend to forget those childhood institutions that made life fun. It's only when it disappears when you realize how much it affects you. *sniff*
True. Which candy did you like best? I got into the jolly rancher sticks they always stocked. They also had flavored candy canes. But not canes... they were sticks with that old school swirl design. What were those called? -en
11:17 AM
lej said...
Oh My God! I could cry too.I've been there a couple of times to buy a rice cooker and Japanese gifts.
I hope it is replaced some a nice and Japanesey! Quick survey .. what do you think Sawtelle could use? Me..hmm Japanese style arcade with lots of puri club machines!!!!
I'm not sure what's going in there, but I've heard that it might be already sold to some non Japanese person. I've heard Persian, but that's only a rumor. I have no idea. Sawtelle? I have a lot ideas. How about a movie theater although the Nuart is up the street, they could use a much smaller theater. More bars for those who want to drink. Arcade? Maybe, although it seems like the home gaming is bigger. Print Club? Sure! I can come up with tons more type places. A small community park? There's a the Saudi Arabian consulate, if that were gone a lot could happen there. There's the Psychiatric place across from GR1. That place may be important, but that can easily be someplace else, freeing up more space... I have ideas, but they're just that!
fb said...
I really enjoyed this piece.
Growing up in England but away from the areas where most Japanese people were it was a bit of a trek to get me to language school on a Saturday and it just petered out as did my Japanese.
I don't think I ever went in the store but do remember being amazed at discovering Sawtelle when I was in Los Angeles and returning every now and then to have a meal of somesorts with my L.A buddies.
Awesome, thanks for the comment. Keep coming back. I went to day school then saturday class. I did go all the way until I got my high school credit in Japanese. -en
trailerhick said...
This is my favorite thing you've ever written.
*tips 40*
Aww thanks. -en

That's Henry and Jack helping someone take something away. My camera adjusted for the background light, so it's a bit dark, but on the other hand, you can almost see through the woman's skirt. Bad camera...
eric wang said...
that's sad - yamaguchi was certainly a fixture for me everytime i walked down sawtelle. i had no idea it was closing, but that is as it's meant to be, i guess. it'll be missed.
i've got to find my "year of the cock" t-shirt.
eric - keep up the observations about sawtelle. it's interesting to see the wikipedia entry on sawtelle as well. also, what the hell happened to the invader that was hanging outside of GR?
Yes, it's definitely a fixture! Yes, for some, everyday is "year of the cock." But really, they did have the old school "year of the boar" shirts and stuff in there until the last day. The Space Invader placed Invader as part of his Invasion outside of GR was taken down by the same someone who's been removing them around LA. This person has gone around and basically broken them off. I doubt he/she is able to remove them without breaking them into pieces! -en
10:56 PM
Pirikara said...
I have to admit, very few Yamaguchi items remain at home. But that's only cause I ate 'em all. =P
As you move onto the adult world you tend to forget those childhood institutions that made life fun. It's only when it disappears when you realize how much it affects you. *sniff*
True. Which candy did you like best? I got into the jolly rancher sticks they always stocked. They also had flavored candy canes. But not canes... they were sticks with that old school swirl design. What were those called? -en
11:17 AM
lej said...
Oh My God! I could cry too.I've been there a couple of times to buy a rice cooker and Japanese gifts.
I hope it is replaced some a nice and Japanesey! Quick survey .. what do you think Sawtelle could use? Me..hmm Japanese style arcade with lots of puri club machines!!!!
I'm not sure what's going in there, but I've heard that it might be already sold to some non Japanese person. I've heard Persian, but that's only a rumor. I have no idea. Sawtelle? I have a lot ideas. How about a movie theater although the Nuart is up the street, they could use a much smaller theater. More bars for those who want to drink. Arcade? Maybe, although it seems like the home gaming is bigger. Print Club? Sure! I can come up with tons more type places. A small community park? There's a the Saudi Arabian consulate, if that were gone a lot could happen there. There's the Psychiatric place across from GR1. That place may be important, but that can easily be someplace else, freeing up more space... I have ideas, but they're just that!
fb said...
I really enjoyed this piece.
Growing up in England but away from the areas where most Japanese people were it was a bit of a trek to get me to language school on a Saturday and it just petered out as did my Japanese.
I don't think I ever went in the store but do remember being amazed at discovering Sawtelle when I was in Los Angeles and returning every now and then to have a meal of somesorts with my L.A buddies.
Awesome, thanks for the comment. Keep coming back. I went to day school then saturday class. I did go all the way until I got my high school credit in Japanese. -en
trailerhick said...
This is my favorite thing you've ever written.
*tips 40*
Aww thanks. -en
Oh those candy sticks that were green and blue in different flavors!! I remember those! Don't remember the names. I always thought the cigarette-shaped gum was cool. I also liked Dip sticks. (fyi according to Henry, it's an Iranian company that bought the place. I'm gonna try my best to find out what the actual company is called.)
I thought of you today when I was driving to the grocery store... I had no idea that my old candy place was closing but they were completely gutting it out today. :( The first time I was ever allowed to make the long walk to "the stores" (a strip mall about a mile away from my house) was to get my .25 allowance and go to the candy store to buy .09 lollipop and 2 candy sticks (2 for .10). They have also sold these candy boxes for kids with an assortment of cool stuff for a long time and my mom loves to get them for us to this day on holidays. Sooo, there goes a piece of my childhood. Cool times with parents, first taste of freedom, and holidays just won't be the same without those candy boxes!
Candy sticks were great. I also bought Botan rice candy there, but the small packs of Now N Laters were great too. Nesbitts soda... Charms blow pop, and charms big fucking lollipops...
thanks for writing, both of you.
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