A good point was brought up. Is the mobile video store cool for the actual neighbors?
The mobile video store does park outside of an office building's parking lot, but I did see it outside of someone's house earlier. The area is fairly dense, and I guess the area is used to foot traffic as it is, since people come and go from parking spots to Sawtelle. I find this guy wanting to stay low key, so I think he's cool. But like everything else, it's ok somewhere else, just not at, or, or near your house. Here's some examples of shit you don't mind far away, graffiti, dude selling fruit on the street, homeless dude taking shits, name it, almost everything fits. Doesn't it?

The new issue is out, GR43. Hope you like it.
The mobile video store does park outside of an office building's parking lot, but I did see it outside of someone's house earlier. The area is fairly dense, and I guess the area is used to foot traffic as it is, since people come and go from parking spots to Sawtelle. I find this guy wanting to stay low key, so I think he's cool. But like everything else, it's ok somewhere else, just not at, or, or near your house. Here's some examples of shit you don't mind far away, graffiti, dude selling fruit on the street, homeless dude taking shits, name it, almost everything fits. Doesn't it?

I am surprised that guy has such a loyal base, my wife stopped going to his store because he lacked the selection. Maybe he has an extensive unlicensed collection of TV shows. The guy who had the video shop next to Jo-mi plumbing had a not so secret closet of unlicensed TV shows and Video Jun has an ever expanding section not so hidden by a curtain.
I am reminded of when I was a kid in the O.C. before Nijiya and Mitsuwa and a mobile Japanese market truck would come to the house. Those were cool, they had the meat (thinly sliced), vegetables and japanese candy.
I wish him luck.
I have a feeling it's the latter, unlicensed shows. Yes, I've been to that shop next door to GR1. He ended up moving to Gardena somewhere. Ironically he once worked for the camper video store guy.
i love the cover! she's one of my favorite artists!
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