Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Giant Robot Needs You - www.giantrobot.com/donate

Some of you astute followers of Giant Robot may have seen this already. What is it and why is it important? Imagine, the same problems that are affecting so many magazines are now affecting us. We held out for the longest time, but we are in a situation that's making print publishing incredibly difficult. If you see the video I cut up, it'll tell the story in under three minutes.

The difference between us and some of the other magazines? We're working hard and trying to find new advertisers, even if it's friends, family friends, or old acquaintances - we can do this. We have our core of loyal advertisers, great readers, and a bunch of fine shops who sell us, but we're still coming up short. We're not asking for help to make just one issue, we're actually asking for a whole year and then some. Your help goes a long way.

Our printer has stepped up to offer us some help for the next year, and we've been able to reach out for support from a few new advertisers. But for the balance, we will need your help. Take a look, tell us what you think, or help us out.

Here's the link to http://www.giantrobot.com/donate



Blogger Alison said...

you definitely have my support! i had trouble getting the link to work though...

11:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a for profit magazine asking for donations???

2:16 PM  
Blogger Jane said...

I too wasn't able to open the link.

8:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a company and magazine that I hope to one day aspire to and this announcement broke my heart.

I will only donate my two cents.

The quality of your work and the image of your company was not reflected in your video. Boo! In this economy and in a country that felt cheated by a bank bailout, I think companies asking for handouts is really anti-America. You are in the creativity industry. The best you could do was sit in chairs and demand money? That was your best pitch? If you fail, you fail because you weren't trying hard enough, not because you didn't receive enough HELP. That's capitalism. If the entire print industry is failing, then do SOMETHING DIFFERENT. You do have a loyal fan base so dare to be creative.

9:19 PM  
Blogger gr said...

Sorry for the foul language in the previous reply. The link seems to work fine though.

6:36 AM  
Blogger Alison said...

i realized the issue with the link for me is due to display issues with the browser. i just see a blank screen when using internet explorer 8, but when i switched to firefox i see it.

9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to say man but I'd also agree that a for profit looking for donations to stay alive looks really bad.

I know the print industry is hurting but to openly ask for donations just shows the nail in the coffin my man.

Maybe you should've balanced your books and not got those fancy new computers and office equipment.

Your magazine is good but I feel no pity for anyone that can't operate in a budget. Your not hitting the black, its time to look at things and by what your saying, you should've looked at things long ago to try to squeeze a couple more years out of a dying industry.

Evolve or die. =\

PS - Be glad you get comments on your blog, that means people read it and you probably have more supporters then dissenters but people will voice opinions when a *for profit* is asking for yet more money when everyone needs more money these days.

1:07 PM  
Blogger gr said...

Anti American? How low and how much crap do I need to take? Give me a break, and being anonymous, everyone is a tough guy. I'm right here, and you know who I am.

7:03 PM  
Blogger Richard said...

"I don't want anyone like you reading my blog or my magazine."
Well since your magazine is folding then I suppose you'll be getting your wish. If you need to ask for donations then you haven't kept a large enough reader base and you aren't going to add to it with an attitude like that. You ask "how much crap do I need to take?" In business you need to take an awful lot and you need to respond positively. Otherwise you fail, and you sir are failing.
Expecting you to be innovative in order to keep your magazine alive isn't expecting too much. It's pretty much standard in journalism.

5:31 PM  
Blogger gr said...

Richard, nice. We're not folding. Taking this type of crap isn't about business, it's about dealing with trolls.

6:32 PM  
Anonymous Leslie said...

Giant Robot has been a thoughtful, charismatic model for magazine publishing, promotion of AAPI cultures, and art, and much, much more.

You've paved an incredible, unique path and I'm glad and proud you've decided to ask for help. It's not easy to ask. I'll give what I can.

2:42 PM  
Anonymous Alex said...

The "anti-America" segment of Anon's quote alone deserves no less than the given suggestion for self-fucking. Things happen, and when you're in dire straits regarding that which you love, you will do what you must.

If the magazine folds, then I suppose it frees up more time for you (Anon.) to go back to your Ayn Rand books...

1:55 AM  
Anonymous Sir Pent said...

Wow. Tough crowd.
It's their right to ask for money.
It's your right to give or not give.

I have no money to give, but we donated our song GIANT ROBOT to the cause.

You can listen or download it at:

7:50 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

This is a little late, but I also wanted to voice my support for GR and Eric. I'm really shocked by the idiotic comments by Anon and it's totally justified for Eric to tell them to shove it. I'll donate what I can, good luck!

9:58 PM  

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