Thursday, March 05, 2009

Ryan McGinness strikes back again

Ryan McGinness has been drinking some special water. He's been in and in and in. This is his new book on the Rizzoli label. All this came via a Ryan package just yesterday. The book is amazing. That's all there is to it. He puts forth a lot of effort to make his books and this is a fine example. I think this is book number 13 or 14 by Ryan on my shelf. Did you know in Japan, in many circles of folks who he doesn't know, he is known as just "Ryan"?

He has an exhibition at Deitch it NYC called Works. It starts very soon. March 7th. I got a handful of posters. They're always huge!

And then there's this. A special book. It's filled with things that he's made. It's fun to look at. It's amazing how Ryan can resurface and raise a lot of havoc, then disappear, re group, re work his work, and then come back, over and over and over.

Here's another blog post on Ryan I did a while ago.

Here's Ryan's site.

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Blogger joetron2030 said...

Man, I love Ryan's stuff.

I'd love to find that book.

To the Internet!

9:19 PM  

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