Monday, December 22, 2008

Magazine predictions from the mouths of the "pros"

Scary magazine predictions, but I don't think it differs from anything else. Magazines, like a car manufacturer, retail store, small business of any sort, all apply.

Andy Cohn from the Fader said that 5 out of 10 mags and papers will close.
-I guess that's the same as 1 out of 2. Scary thought, since what will a newsstand look like if this happens?

Steven Kotok from The Week says: "Lots of things nobody predicted will occur."
- hope this can mean great things.

Dylan Tweeney from Wired: "...2009 will be a very, very difficult year for advertising-supported businesses of all kinds. Anyone launching a publication in 2009 better have deep enough pockets to ride out a year or two of very thin revenues."
- that's obvious since even a publication that's been going for years will have thin revenues.

Video content seems to hit a few people's lists. Am I paranoid yet about our future? Sure just a little, but at the same time, the idea is to keep moving.

Read many more here at
It's interesting to read what people say about magazines (at least for me).



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep knocking out a quality mag and the rest will take care of itself ... I hope!

1:31 PM  
Blogger gr said...

We're trying. I'm with you on the hope part!

1:32 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

hey eric - just to be clear, i didn't say 5 out of 10 magz will close. here is my exact quote:

Five out of every 10 magazines and newspapers will go out of business, scale down their frequency or move entirely to the Web. This will not just be survival of the fittest, rather survival of the most willing and able to adapt to the changing media paradigm, and throw all of the old rules out the window.

just wanted to clarify as i was not THAT dire!! :-)

7:22 AM  
Blogger gr said...

Thanks for clearing it, in a way. Yet I read it as, if you go straight to the web and SHUT DOWN print, that means you closed! Scale down frequency... yes, maybe that's ok. I guess a monthly doing 10 instead, no difference, but if a monthly goes bi-monthly (6 times a year), they're over. In the end, maybe it's me that's dire.

10:50 AM  

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