Friday, August 29, 2008

Beautiful Losers the Film Starting Tonight at the Nuart

Beautiful Losers the film is opening at the Nuart, just down the street from Giant Robot store. Director Aaron Rose is a pretty good guy. I hung out with him for nearly a week in Madrid, for another art exhibition and have run into him a few times locally in LA. We had some good conversations about Beautiful Losers and at the same time, I'd like to think I brought a different view point to what the film and movement might be. I thought it was a jumping off point, while many were pissed off about what the "movement" was all about. It excluded a ton of artists, who were probably worthy of being part of the "in" crowd. But what then it did was create a small fire under people's asses to make their own movements and that might actually be the larger gift that came from the film. I remember in a press conference in Madrid, Aaron Rose mentioned that point about the film. Maybe it's an easy out in times of tough questions, but it's the truth.

Beautiful Losers.
CRIBS: Aaron Rose's crib in the LA Times. We talked about the African masks once, well there they are.

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