Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Bird Call - Found this on the street

There was a dead bird in front of GR2, it was stepped on, ant everywhere in front of the Simone Legno signing. I heard a chirp, a few of them, and figured there's a nest and more birds in them. But the chirp echoed weird, and I had a feeling it wasn't from above. I had to figure it out. Behind the storm drain, a bird chirped alone. It didn't stop chirping and was probably looking for mom, which wasn't around. I couldn't believe what I saw, a tiny bird.

We couldn't find the nest or any sign of an active one. Manager Michelle swears she knows how to deal with tiny birds like this, let's hope she knows. I shot out a Twitter and got some responses, we'll see what happens and if this bird can make it okay. It sure doesn't look too happy, but it seemed to have stopped chirping after she picked it up. 

Here's how I found the little "dude". Shocked me quite a bit!



Blogger C Merry said...

Hi its CMerry, that size has a lot of hope for survival (that was the size of the bird I found), feeding with the dropper and keeping it warm can be done. It's the tiny pink ones that are hard for someone not a pro. I think he/she will be fine. :)

7:47 PM  
Blogger C Merry said...

OOps sorry meant to add this to the first comment
Looks like a baby starling

Starling message board (diet recipes, talk everything)

Amazing site full of people who love starlings I placed my found baby in a home found on this board

7:54 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I worked in a wildlife rehab clinic for 3 years. Had to take babies home with me all the time... some of my favorite work ever. I sent the little birdie home with Serina with instructions on how to take care of him.

First thing to try to do is find the nest and get the baby back there. It's a myth that momma bird will smell human touch. More often they see human hands near the nest and might avoid it out of fear.

We couldn't find the nest, so he's going home with Serina to hang out in a comfy nest with a gentle heat source under him, and getting feedings of softened, warmish dog food smooshed up every three hours, followed by some drops of water to help him wash it down.

If she can keep him hydrated and warm for a week, he'll be fine to grow in his little fledgling feathers and fly!


10:44 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

you've found yourself a baby house sparrow.

11:36 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Yeah, starling babies are bigger and grow fast! This little guy is a happy little sparrow that's lucky Eric found him!!

12:28 AM  
Blogger C Merry said...

Thanks for caring, the world is so full of bad news nice when there are still people who stop and care for the tiny babies who need help.

1:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Susie knows cause she steals them all the time in order to draw them. You should see her living room. It's like one of those hunter's living rooms but instead of giant deers heads she's got a bunch of tiny stuffed baby house sparrows.

Oh, and Susie, should you read this, don't you act like that ain't true, mhmmmm.... (snapping my fingers like a big black woman)

4:18 AM  

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