Thursday, July 31, 2008

Lemonade stand for Darfur

Yes, they had a sign saying Save Darfur. Lemonade. One cup at a time. The lemonade was .50 cents. It was pretty good. The cookies were $1. I figured it was for them to earn a few dollars to take a bus ride to the beach, or maybe save up and see a movie. But Darfur? Pretty awesome for kids. I like lemonade stands. I bought 2 cookies and those were pretty good too.  

I never did a lemonade stand, I guess you can say, I went straight to opening a shop, working on a mag, and so on. There's something cool about kids doing a lemonade stand. Taxes don't kick in yet, no heath codes, and so on. It's all based on work, patience, and trust in a neighborly way. Have extra lemons? Make lemonade. Next, maybe they'll sell bags of lemons and packets of sugar in a nice bag too. The sad thing is that if they were to do this too often, they'd get shut down. That's the world we live in. Even a lemonade stand would get taxed and coded.


Scion - Insiders Outsiders and the Middle - the artists

It's already just 2 days from opening night at the Scion space in Culver City. The artists are all now in town and installing. It's great to see them all. Noriko Ashino, Nao Harada, Space Invader, Adrian Johnson, Kami, Ed Trask, Shinya Yamamoto, Zariganiworks are all working harmoniously to get their art up and looking good. It's still early in the game but the cool thing is that everything looks great.

That's Noriko Ashino who designed the GR umbrellas, rooster, and the panda shirt. That's Lucky the dog who roams the grounds. I guess I was wearing IPaths that day.

In progress. Maybe I shouldn't show you this, but it's going to look good. Invader is tearing up LA right now. Keep your eyes open.

Trask to the task. This painting is huge.

Kami is in town. His work is great.

Nao looks like Shinya's work while painting his own.

Mr Trask. Think he can play drums? With arms like that, of course he can. Find him on the beach, he's been going surfing in the early AM. Let him on some waves, locals. He's a great guest.

Amy peeps over the shoulder of the Zariganiworks robot.

Dali Lama cubes

Ex Londonite, Adrian Johnson made it in last, but he got oohs and ahhs when he unrolled his work. He's the nicest guy.

Father's Office looked like a bunk place. Totally filled with people, loud, a bar, and then we ordered a burger for each. Some Yam fries, and regular fries. I'd say, all were skeptical. Yes, all. How can a place that looks like a typical yuppie bar (I guess you can say it is), serve good food? Ah, a Korean dude who's the maestro chef. After the first bite, people tripped out. I heard it in Japanese all over the place. Check out Sakamoto's (Zariganiworks - in red, blue, and white expression. Look at his eyes. Cameras started going up to shoot pics of their burger. 

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

10 Comic Con moments

Here's some Comic Con shots.

1) That's us in gear at the booth. Standing behind a counter most of the day, you get to take pics from the place where everyone is looking. The booth looked great.

2) Seth Rogen came by, and he reads GR! I tried to hand him a mag, and he said, sorry, already have it. See more pics on Flickr.

3) I remember when I said, I wanted to take their pics, she made sure her boobs were riding high. I guess that's better than low.

4) This is serious.

5) That's Seth. Total nice dude. Ever see a head slap to a stiff straight arm in football? That's what this is... I guess being one of the dudes, and then talking shit is how people have fun. In the end, although it was truncated, I had fun at the beach party. 

6) Details from the Party at the Beach. You had to appreciate the madness of the last 15 minutes. Uh 5-0 all over, yes. 
a) Manager Michelle hold her ground against the pigs. Good. 
b) Having 10 minutes according to 5-0 of fire pit time. Good. 
c) Blasting an entire bottle of lighter fluid, throwing in every piece of wood and log to make a gigantic fire. Good. 
d) Throwing in a towel in a fit of anarchy. Good. Cops coming back. Good. 
e) Argument for nearly 10 minutes, then including hippie Scrappers Morrison acting all weird and wet from the beach. Keeping the fire alive. Good. 
f) Cops waving the white flag and letting everyone go. Good. 

I guess all this isn't as good as a vinyl toy.

7) James Jean signing with a line doing a 360 around the booth.
8) Meeting Usugrow, itokin park, 
9) Saw a Devil Robots T, of the Giant Robot cover, and the art is exactly the same which includes me at the controls. I want one of those.
10) Catching shoplifter on sunday, and seeing him cry, tantrum, and run away into a crowd.

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Bird Call - Found this on the street

There was a dead bird in front of GR2, it was stepped on, ant everywhere in front of the Simone Legno signing. I heard a chirp, a few of them, and figured there's a nest and more birds in them. But the chirp echoed weird, and I had a feeling it wasn't from above. I had to figure it out. Behind the storm drain, a bird chirped alone. It didn't stop chirping and was probably looking for mom, which wasn't around. I couldn't believe what I saw, a tiny bird.

We couldn't find the nest or any sign of an active one. Manager Michelle swears she knows how to deal with tiny birds like this, let's hope she knows. I shot out a Twitter and got some responses, we'll see what happens and if this bird can make it okay. It sure doesn't look too happy, but it seemed to have stopped chirping after she picked it up. 

Here's how I found the little "dude". Shocked me quite a bit!


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Angry Comic-Con

Angryasianman, Comicon Recap. I'll be doing the same shortly, but look at the t-shirt I was wearing. It's a nutty shirt from the Philippines. It didn't quite go with our Asian booth theme, but it's funny. I put up the peace sign, I think that makes things more confusing.

link to AAM.

From the LA Weekly our booth is made of pretty.


SCION and Giant Robot Art Show This saturday

In conjunction with Giant Robot, Scion presents Insiders, Outsiders & The Middle at its 4,500 square foot Installation L.A. Gallery. At Giant Robot, the definition of art ranges from straight contemporary painting to sculpted figures (which were considered action figures just a few years ago). This exhibition celebrates not the disparate mediums, but the divergent mindsets of artists--as well as the gray areas.

Insiders are artists who work so hard in front of their computers that they don’t leave their chairs long enough to hang their pieces on walls. More often, their art is found onscreen, in print, and on T-shirts. Adrian Johnson is an example from the U.K., with a retro drawing style inspired by children's books. The other Insiders are from Japan. Noriko Ashino runs the A Piece of Design firm, and specializes in a variety of disciplines including character design and graphics. Sometimes known as ZariganiWorks, the duo of Taro Mukasa and Yoshitane Sakamoto are responsible for the infamous Suicide Bomb Button, have created the Kore Janai Robo (which has gone from handmade wood figurines to vinyl characters with a TV show), and freelance design toys, characters, and products.

Outsiders include Space Invader, a street artist from Paris who makes his mark on walls around the world and calls each tiled piece an “invasion.” He painstakingly documents each one before it gets ripped down—either by city workers or collectors—and publishes his work in books and maps. Kami is revered as a graffiti legend in Tokyo and has successfully transitioned from the streets to art galleries. His pieces often resemble flowing water.

And then there's The Middle. The original work of Kyoto-based Shinya Yamamoto has been found in many exhibitions as well as the drum set of Sonic Youth’s Steve Shelley. Part Basquiat and part left-brain madness, his style is free flowing and dreamy. Nao Harada, proprietor of the Wrecks clothing line, sketches, draws, and paints with no regard to the meaning of art. He rides around on his BMX leaving stickers and tags around Tokyo. The lone American in the group, Ed Trask, is from Virginia. He tours constantly as the drummer for the veteran punk band Avail. Through painting, he recalls and reinterprets the slices of Americana that he sees on the road.

Although there is no obvious correlation between the artists, they form a powerful cross-section of creative forces that are physically active with their art. They belie the image of the stationary artist and pose the question of how they will co-exist in a restrained gallery setting.

The opening reception takes place August 2, 7:00 P.M. – 10:00 P.M. at the Scion Installation L.A. Gallery, 3521 Helms Ave. (at National), Culver City, CA 90232. The show will run until August 23.

Dedicated to fostering independent artistic expression, the Scion Installation L.A. Gallery is a space that allows artists to explore their creative visions. The Scion Installation Gallery hosts art shows and art-related events for cutting-edge artists from across the globe. Gallery hours are Wednesday through Saturday 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM and by appointment - 310.815.8840. For more information, visit

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Simone Legno at GR2 Tomorrow, Wed, the 30th.

He's signing soccerballs, and perhaps other ephemera. The artist behind Tokidoki will be in the house from 6-8pm following his Comic Con insane signing endeavors. Good with the fans and friends, Simone is a very giving and nice guy. Meet him if you have the time.

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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Bonfire party antics then the cops came

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Souther Salazar signing

Chow Dong, for here or to go...?

Friday, July 25, 2008

James jean at giant robot comic con!

Comicon day 2

Darth Vader and the iSaber! This Vader is about 6'6" and probably weighs near 300 lbs. A large man for sure. He's gigantic and his outfit lights up. The iSaber though, is probably the best thing for the iPhone that's free.

Check out our security secretly watching. Can you tell who he is?

Mr Le Merde getting his gr exclusive Kami Robo on!


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Comic con booth! 1729

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Comic-Con Twitters

If any of you are into any updates from me on Twitter and or Facebook, join up. It's easy. I'll try and update what's going on at Comic-Con at least from where we stand at our booth. I'll even try and do some photo blogging and updates as well.
I guess that's about it, we're heading down shortly. and facebook eric nakamura


Giant Robot Comic Con booth special

Giant Robot Have a Rice Day Eco Friendly bag. There's a 4" gusset so you can carry Red Books, vegetables, tea, ginseng, lotus, rice, or a Giant Robot magazine.

We got a bunch made and we'll feature them at our booth. A perfect addition to our theme, in case you haven't figured it out.


SD Comicon Con Location

We're right near Buenaventura Press. I had no idea. That's really great. They're in Green, we're in Red, and Top Shelf across at 1721! See you there.


Comic-con Exclusives - Giant Robot Booth 1729 San Diego Comic Con

People always ask about our exclusives at the San Diego Comic Book Convention. Comic-Con! What are they? This year, it's going to be:

1) KAMI ROBO toys - we're the only ones to have them. These are the production line that's not coming out for a while, so get them while you can. Check out the video below. You can get a couple and fight them. Of course, learning how might help, although you can just make it all up on the fly. They're jointed everywhere, and articulate well.

Check out the site.

2) David Horvath Drawings original drawings. These are nice. We'll have them in a portfolio. Ask to see them.

3) Souther Salazar print new 12.5 x 20 (no photo yet). Signing Friday and Saturday 4pm. We'll also be carrying his zine, Monsters that Ate the Stars from Blue Q

4) James Jean signing Friday 2pm. We'll be selling some of his special prints and he'll be signing Giant Robot 54.

5) Mark Todd and Esther Pearl Watson Signing Saturday 2pm and Sunday 2pm. Signing their zines from Blue Q.


Comic-con Preview Time

That's Jenny, and she's working the Giant Robot Comic-Con San Diego booth. This photo is merely a preview. Lanterns, Chinese dress, a metal apparatus, it's going to be interesting. I'm not sure if people know that we've been doing Comic-Con SD for perhaps over a dozen years, and I've been to each one. 

This is the banner for the booth. Can you guess what it's going to look like? We've never worked this hard on a booth design before. It should be fun and memorable, at least for us.


Sunday, July 20, 2008

swap meet scores

FeFiFoFum! I think that's from Jack and the Beanstock... but that's what I think when I see this. The cyclops giant comes with a club. It's so weird that these were from the 70s. Blue hair even on it's chest. Where did it comes from? It's made in Japan, but over all it's just a strange item. $4! I'm digging these mid 70s banks made out of ceramic, and they're made in Japan.

Glass cups with sailboats drifting by. $20 for the set of 8 including the caddy. I don't know if I even like sailboats.

Antoni is the designer of these plates. His drawing looks like a Geoff McFetridge images don't you think? It's a plate that you hang on your wall, if you try to use it, it's pretty useless since it's heavy and small. $5.

Karate aftershave! I didn't buy it, but it was $20 and in the box. Weird how a brand was named after a martial art. I wonder if someone would bust an aftershave called, "ground and pound" or MMA. This is how cool Karate was back in the day. Even Elvis did it.

That's my new puzzle collection. Rubik's, fakes, and some great puzzles. Some of this stuff, I've never seen before. I used to do the cube in about a minute. The triangle took even less time. $12 for the whole box of puzzles.


Venice Obon

Obon season is on. It's the celebration for us to remember those who aren't with us anymore. These photos are from the Venice obon. It's a smaller local event, and I'm glad to have stepped into the Venice Buddhist Temple to see it all. West LA does this too, and it went from being decent / small, to in my opinion at least from the last time I saw it, a raging and great event. The bad thing is that Comicon is on the same days, which is next week and I feel like I miss the event every year.

They even have a book sale, games, and other fun things like a bake sale! In WLA, they even allow outside vendors to have a booth.

Had to have it. Shave Ice, the magic coolant on a hot day.
