Saturday, April 26, 2008


Yvonne Lau, a professor at DePaul University invited me to appear on her show, ConversAsian that shows in Illinois. Before you mess with it's name, know that it's been around for years. It's fairly free form, it's Yvonne and a subject sitting across from each other in a simple room. It's what you've seen on cable access, but this one focuses on Asian Americans. Rare actually, isn't it? I made it through two segments easily, each being 28 minutes. There's no editing, so if you decide to melt down, you can't take it back.

This is what the control board looks like. I'm sure it's not brand new, but it works. We talked about the beginnings of GR, where it's been, where it's going, Asian America, and what I think about it all. It's fun to be able to air out your mind, especially when I've been thinking about things for a while. 

After the interview, Yvonne thanked me and said it was inspiring. If you see the broadcast, give me a shout.  



Anonymous Anonymous said...

At first, I had my reservASIANS about this show but based on your description, I can see that it's more like mind masturbASIAN.

and THAT was the best I could come up with...

1:36 AM  
Blogger Yumyumcha said...

Although the name seems lame, it actually gets conveys it show intentions quite distinctly. Its not arty, its not hip but its a show talking to asian americans. How more direct can you get?

11:56 AM  

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