Wednesday, January 16, 2008


So this dude is wanted. He's the marine who allegedly killed another pregnant marine and buried her in his backyard. He's married, his wife has no idea where he is, and he's been on the run. There's a world wide search for the guy. So even though it's a morbid topic, I've asked people where the heck would they go? It's life and death, you just committed the worst crime, and well, either you turn yourself in, or you run. But the world is fairly big I guess, but where can you go and live? One of the Japanese dudes Shoichi Yokoi lived underground for 28 years. Hiroo Onoda did the same for 29 years. Either way, the marine dude will probably get caught soon, or maybe he's commit suicide, but who has the nuts to stay hiding and looking over their shoulder their entire life? Is it possible? It's a long debate, and well, I'm curious.



Blogger Junkyard Sam said...

I've had weird dreams before where I've done something horrible like this and I'm having to live with the consequences (in my dream) -- totally regretting it.

There's this overwhelming feeling of "oh my god I've ruined my entire life and there's no way to recover it."

Oh, it's horrible. Well deserved for someone who did this, perhaps... but I don't deserve these dreams!!!

10:54 AM  
Blogger gr said...

I've done that too. It's a tough way to live, much less just dream about. I had one dream where I was being hunted by police, and I was stressed out terribly. I woke up really happy that it wasn't true. But this guy, they're saying is like a Magyver.

11:28 AM  
Blogger Whoever said...

If you really didn't want to go too terribly far, I'd say Canada. There are some relatively remote areas in Canada that you could probably chill out in without getting caught. There are still plenty of places to cross the border without so much as a stop sign as well. I think that's probably where I would start. I'd definitely want to stick with somewhere I could drive to without being stopped by any border agents, flying would be way too risky.


1:51 PM  
Blogger Krizia said...

The first things I thought of were:
-no credit/debit cards
-no cell phones/calls in general
-resort to identity theft if i want to have cable/internet/electricity/other things that require bills and an address.

No, no. I'd rather turn myself in thanks.

9:50 PM  

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