Monday, November 26, 2007

Try or Do

Do, or do not. There is no try. Says Yoda and other people who love to quote the troll. I always say, "I tried" or "I'm trying." And people love to give out that Yoda quote. It might be easy when Yoda sits around all day, talks nonsense and has to teach a young Jedi some tricks. That's not hard. He doesn't even have to walk since Luke carried him around like a backpack. Today someone said, "you're a do'er." That's nice, but to do, I still have to try. And try sometimes, means a lot of things. It means, I'm trying to do more than most people in a day. I'm trying to accomplish a task list that's 50 items long in a day. I'm trying to work 3 times as fast as the next person. I'm trying to work with people who aren't on the same page. I'm trying to stay focused. I'm trying to be sane, calm, and cool, when there's pressure. I'm trying to have a life at the same time as I try to do these other things all at the same time. So fuck yeah, I try everyday. The question is for those who only "do" and do not try. What are you doing that's so easy?



Blogger Aaron Stewart Ahn said...

There's too much of an obsession with winning in America. Sometimes loss or losing can be the thing you learn from most. I know my failures taught me a lot more how to do something, and in cuture in particular I think everyone should be permitted to fail - cause that sometimes happens when you try for something new. I don't know, I dig this post... I think trying is a-ok.

9:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eric, I commend you. If you were on the Apprentice and I was Trump, I would hire you first show in and then just fire everyone else. It would be the shortest season ever.

9:27 PM  
Blogger DAVIDUGLY said...

Yes but your "try" is another man's "do". You may think you are trying, but you are doing. In my opinion, based on my own experience, when most people say try, what they really mean is do not. I think that's who Yoda had beef with.

Remember when Luke was trying to raise the ship out of the water? When Yoda did it, Luke said " I don't believe it." And that's the key I guess. How could he "do" when he didn't even think it was possible in the first place?
So he was just trying.
Then Nike ripped that off.

12:36 AM  
Blogger gr said...

Aaron, thanks much. I tried.

Jimmy, thanks much. But on that show, I'd be Trump.

Ugly, Yoda was pretty deep, created an entire generation of Nike campaign and many rip offs too.

3:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This makes me very happy, Eric. Trying is the most important part of doing. I'm not a big believer in not trying even if I already know I can't do something. Even a blind dog finds a bone once in awhile so if I never try because I will not "do" then... Well, heck with it. Just got to keep on trying even after I've gone and done.

8:28 PM  

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