LA not SF
Today, I was supposed to speak at CCA. It's an art school in SF, where David Choe, Deth P. Sun, Rob Sato, and a bunch of other artists graduated from, but I won't be there. Funny how many think we're SF based, so in this case, I was supposed to get myself to the campus and do a talk. But after some emails, and maybe some confusion, the talk got cancelled, but not after a couple of months of publicity was done. It's weird how people think we're from SF. I have no idea why, and inside of each magazine and on the site, our address says LA. I was willing to do the talk, but then they wanted me to do studio visits throughout the day. Fuck that, I thought. I got a life to deal with and I can't do private tutoring for students who probably draw better than me anyway. I did get a w-9 for an honorarium, but they never talked to me about that either. I was supposed to get one? I hope they found a replacement to talk about publications, shops, and art. I heard a student recommended me to speak there, I hope they're not too disappointed that it didn't work out.
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