Sunday, October 28, 2007

Mr Murakami

The opening was huge, imagine an art show with thousands of people. Sitting, standing, talking, dancing around, waiting to be seen, and a few who actually really looked at art. The line of the night, "I'll come back and see the art when there's no one around." A lot of people are scheming to try and talk to Takashi, whispering stuff, trying to find a way to get "in" with him. What will he really do? Hand you a bag full of money? It was nice to hear the sounds of DJ Krush for a minute, especially when I heard some of the old Mowax music.

Takashi came to town and rocked it, and I guess I'll see him tomorrow too. How often are art shows like this? I can remember them on one hand. Helter Skelter, Superflat, Ecstasy, and now Murakami. What can someone do to top this? And which one will have the commercial aspects as this? MOCA just defeated a lot of countries GNP tonight. I saw tons and tons of people holding the big brown LV bags.

While we were leaving, he was coming in pretty incognito, that's when I got to catch up a bit.

Mr. is amazing. He didn't flick me off this time.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh wow, very nice, do you think think you can provide me more info on this, um do you know if murakami is gonna be at the opening on the 29th at moca, cause i wanna meet him and try to get a picture or autograph, can you email me back at


11:31 PM  

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