shameless painting
My first one. I guess this is art.
Canvas is hard. Those stinking woven fibers make painting hard. When I feel up to it, I'll put up some other stuff. I did this for the tree show. Also Blick sometimes has sales on canvases, it's hard to pass up a canvas that's $2, even if you don't use them. I think I bought this one years ago.
Labels: art
SIMS! exactly the right perspective...
but, what is that kid behind the log doing, eh? SOMETHING ILLEGAL?
I like this one a lot.
im sure you know about this but you can build up layers of gesso and sand it down if you prefer to paint on a smoother surface.
I like it.
Go to a hardware store, have them cut up a 4'x 8' sheet of 1/8 hardboard (masonite) for 20 bux, gesso the panels--instant cheap smooth surface ready for painting :)
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