Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Eric Nakamura - Giant Robot
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As a long time fan of many types of MMA (my fav always being Pride) the verdict is still out on this one for me.
It could present some interesting possibilities opening up new media markets worldwide or it could also bring us overmarketed, overyhyped, watered down fighters, aka UFC.
For some down and dirty, old school, UFC 1-3 style, bare knuckle madness do a youtube search for Kimbo.
As a fan of MMA since UFC 1, my verdict is still out on this one.
This buyout could open up new markets for MMA worldwide or it could bring us an endless trove of overyhyped, lack luster amateurs like uFC has done for so many years.
For some old school, UFC 1-3 style, bare knuckle beatings, do a youtube search for Kimbo.
Kimbo Slice is one scary guy, but against a big grappler, he's dead meat.
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