Look at her smiling face, that's Saelee who worked hard on Souther's birthday party. From what I could tell, she did these things: 1) got a special vegan ice cream flavor from
Scoops! Chocolate and Cinnamon. It was great, I had a second serving. 2) rented the serving containers, made rice, beans, peppers, and actually attempted to make handmade tortillas! Didn't quite work, but they live near Echo Park and it's easy to pick up good stuff in the area. 3) Horchata. They had a huge jug in one of those glass beehive looking containers. It was good. 4) Decorations, of course having help for everything, her youngest sister Sarah made a happy birthday sign out of paper bags. 5) Inviting people and making it a poncho party!

Nutter Butters in the ice cream. The mint was nice. That's detail.

Look at Souther's face. Did you know, this was his first birthday party in his life?

That's me and Oh sister #3.

More guests jammed on the sofa. That's Oh sister #2 and my stalker on the right.

That's Oh sister #4 on the left.

Souther got a jacket!

It was a fun night, and it's less about a birthday party, but more about the work that went into it. Would you go through all this work for someone? I hope so.
Labels: random musings, saelee oh, sculpey kids, souther salazar
You forgot to mention the miniature harmonica!
Souther and I share the same birthday! Does this mean I'm as radical as he is? I sure hope so!
that poncho looks so great on you! you should wear it more often!
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