RISD grad student open studio. This happens once a year, and I hear the undergrads might even be better. But here's some images and thoughts of what I saw.

Smash up derby painting. I think this was my favorite single work. The guy who's completely white... is this painting finished?

This reminded me of Aliens.

Jacob Goble paints red people and smash up derbys.

Blade was good too. I thought that was a fake name, but this kid is good.

I was on the fence on this. These works look good together, but alone? I'm not quite sure.

This is a great collection of paint. studios can be messy but this person wasn't.

Stylish studio. This was probably the nicest studio. Maybe it's the lamps.

See the page in the upper middle? That a GR page!

This looks like one of the many studios. Colorful, messy, but full of energy.

Awesome mugs.

King of patterns. This person's work looked good.
Overall, I didn't see everything, but I did like the painting floors the best. Wish there was more of that.
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